congressapi provides an extremely lightweight wrapper, facilitating seamless data retrieval from the official Congress API via a single function, get_congress()
You can install the development version of congressapi from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Retrieving data
Data may be retrieved from one of eleven base endpoints:
- bill
- amendment
- summaries
- congress
- member
- committee
- committee-report
- congressional-record
- house-communication
- nomination
- treaty
All the user needs to do is specify the endpoint, along with any additional specifications desired:
# Retrieves all house bills from the 117th Congress
bill <-
#> # A tibble: 6 × 11
#> congress number originChamber originChamberCode title type updateDate
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 117 897 House H Agua Calient… HR 2023-03-09
#> 2 117 7939 House H Veterans Aut… HR 2023-08-02
#> 3 117 680 House H For the reli… HR 2023-03-08
#> 4 117 1917 House H Hazard Eligi… HR 2023-03-09
#> 5 117 1154 House H Great Dismal… HR 2023-03-09
#> 6 117 1082 House H Sami's Law HR 2023-08-25
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: updateDateIncludingText <chr>, url <chr>,
#> # latestAction_actionDate <chr>, latestAction_text <chr>
Visit to read full package documentation. If you find a bug or would like to see a new functionality, please submit an issue.